The digital way - the computer.

Common for all the developed electronic devices was their analogue nature. 

During later years it became an interesting but open question if it would be possible to obtain similar results with digital apparatus e.g. if the phenomenon would manifest itself when trying in some way to implement the analogue equipment on a computer. This idea was dropped after some few introductory experiments, because the obtained results became very surprising and confirmed what had been my assertion from the very beginning: The phenomenon result from an influence of the experimentators mind upon sensitive electronic equipment (here the electronic part of the computer) and in reality my experiments are mind to matter experiments - maybe of some very unusual nature. It is not too much to say that a new era of this unusual kind of research had begun - even if only in my own small investigation.

The investigation by means of a computer, where among other things you have the access to combine the use of extremely steep digital filters and a possibility of the multiplication of several complex sound files (or in other words: modulation) gave some very both surprising and convincing results. Its now possible to demonstrate the emergence of human speech from completely neutral material e.g. a mixture of white, brown and pink noise, all generated inside the computer by a noise-programme. No attempt is made to synthesise speech by manipulating single sounds etc. The voices arise in a 20 seconds long batch of white, pink or brown noise as the results of a number of non-linear digital manipulations of the whole batch.. Also the size of the recordings has been reduced extraordinary and is now standardised to 20 sec.

! The most important improvement, at least seen from the viewpoint of a later documentation, is the possibility of a control of the whole computer manipulation which has taken place and which step by step is saved on the hard-disk. !

(Furthermore it now also succeeded to adjust the whole process to fit a commercial available software program.) 

But control and documentation must not be confounded with explanation and what in reality take place inside (and perhaps also outside) the computer and what is the real cause for those seemingly intelligent controlled changes - that still is an open question. During my earlier experiments with analogue electronic apparatus using discreet components I had a complete outline of what I was doing - could measure the signal at different points etc. When sitting in front of the computer I have the screen as my only point reference - but what in reality physically take place in the electronic part of the computer is (at last for me) totally unknown.
On the other hand - now you have the "voice" on the screen and that means it can be isolated (cut out) with a precision of a millisecond, single syllables can also be isolated and listened to one at a time, pitch end speed of the voice can be changed independently and last but not least - the loudness can be set as you wish. The time of the whispering voices is over. Nevertheless this computer aided recording system is far from final developed. Some drawbacks are still left, there is often an unpleasant background noise and the results are still relative unpredictable, both  concerning quality and quantity.

Looking fifteen years back - what are the results of all those years of investigation?
And are the results worth the effort? 

1) I now know, that behind a good deal of what today is rummaged under names such as EVP, Tonbandstimmen etc. there exists a real phenomenon.

2) The phenomenon can be worked with and improved by sheer technical methods. The voices arise in the electronic apparatus in a manner partially following well-known physical and mathematical laws. The voices can be digitalized and investigated on a computer. The quality and intelligibility are highly dependent on the technical apparatus and recording methods.

3)The phenomenon seems to be closely bound with the experimenters person. Concerning the psychological mechanism behind the phenomenon I have not even the slightest hypothesis of what is going on. The current psychological situation, the mood of the experimenter seems(?) to by without influence. 

4)The content of the received information vary from insignificant personal remarks to mostly short but grammatically correct sentences, what very often was not the case with the voices of Jurgenson's, Raudive's and others of the former experimentator's. Many of the sentences are including my name. During a 20 seconds long recording one may expect 2- 4 sentences, each with a length of 5-10 syllables. But also completely irrelevant, often absurd statements may occur....
I think that the main reason for the lack of a more significant content (compared with other experimentator's) simply is my own lack of interest concerning the messages. My interest is pure technical and concern mainly the problem of documentation and not the establishing of any kind of more or less doubtful contacts.

The multilinguistic character of nearly all of Raudive's voices is not present, as already mentioned the languages used by my voices are either German or Danish - the two languages I speak fluently. But I must admit, that this peculiar implication can be of importance when the phenomenon has to be demonstrated for a non Danish or German speaking audience. (This language problem of Raudive's and other experimentator's voices in contrast to my experiences make up very interesting psychological problem.)

5) There is one noticeable difference between my computer supported and other paraphysical/parapsychological experiments. A statistical preparation of the material to substantiate the results is not necessary - and by the way rather not possible. What is the chance for the formation of human voices (or perhaps better human like voice-artifacts) from a 20 seconds long bulk of white, pink or brown noise? 
(White noise: Equal proportions of all frequencies are present. 
Pink noise: Random noise in a variety of frequencies and with a fractal structure. 
Brown noise: High content of low frequencies.)

6) And just as a matter of form: Through all those years I never found even one scientifically valid proof of the spiritualistic hypothesis. In my work I neither search or have any contact with some kind of a hypothetical afterlife. But nevertheless I am in the middle of a "Breakthrough", in the middle of "An Amazing Experiment in Computerised Communication with my Own Mind."

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