The digital way - the computer 2 - Update 2004

More then four years have past since I started my first computer aided investigation of the EVP phenomenon. One of the first results was the already described step by step method with the successive reducing of the background noise from a pre-recorded sound-mixture. A mixture which was obtained by a non-linear mixing of different sound components. (Experience has shown that voices (always?) are generated by some non-linear process like the detecting or modulation in radio-technics.)
After some steps of reducing, several paravoices turned up. The problem with this method is to find just the point where a further reduction of the background noise begins to spoil the voices also.

Today I have developed other and better methods. But the principle which is closely connected with the use of the computer, remains in all my further development: The starting point, the used sound material from which (or in which) a paravoice shall arise and also the all following manipulations - normally up to six or seven steps - are stored in separate files. Afterwards one has the possibility closely to study the whole development of a voice from the very beginning to the end result. This is the principal difference of the computer based investigation from all the old methods which were based more or less on Jurgenson's and Raudive's work. Methods which could be characterised as the one-step method. A method where the voice suddenly arise from a sound material. The original is changed and therefor lost. So one has got a voice - but without any information what in reality happened.

In the above mentioned method the voices arouse against a background noise which then had to be removed. Expressed in an other way: The whole process started from the very beginning with an excess of superfluous material. It was a natural question if it could be possible to find a reduced startmaterial which - perhaps after some manipulation - could deliver similar voices with less or pehaps without any background noise at all.
It's very ease to bring up such a question, but in reality we do not know anything about what happened when we in some way have recorded a paranormal voice. We know a little about what material and recording methods are more or less useable - that's all. But in the question being under consideration one at last can start with a systematically reduction of the start material. A reduction not in amplitude - that would be aimless - but in frequency content. Furthermore one had to implement a non-linear manipulation (multiplication) somewhere during the process and a all this can only be done in a pure experimantal way. It is not the right place here - and by the way any other place - to describe my expeiments. The result was a recording method were human speech was split up in two very narrow frequency-bands which then were multiplied and additionally worked up during several steps.

About the recorded voices.
The results were the best I had hitherto and several recordings had changed in a strange manner - the same short sentence is repeated several times. But sentences which in content and form are very far from Jurgensons and Raudives voices....
All my recordings are standardised to last 20 seconds. Mostly I get voices all this time.
An example. Voices in German repeat all the time: "Er hoert da" - "Er hoert hier das" - "Hier hoert er jetzt" etc. etc. A constant repetition - but varied in form - of the "Er hoert " (Engl. "He hears"). Furthermore careful listening reveal short sentences, mostly also including a name. And here an interesting point turn up. These names very often refer to persons which I had met, read about or seen in some way shortly before.
(The voices are all in German - that is still a problem.)

An example: 23th November 2003 was the 40 years anniversary of the murder of the US president John F. Kennedy and the Danish television transmitted some very impressive movies concerning Kennedy's life and assassination - movies which I followed with great interest. Two days later a recorded - hidden between all the usual "Er hoert es" - the voice "Er hoert hier Kennedy".
Well, it's up to you to believe that - after having seen the television progamme - I really had established a contact with the deceased US president... Or the much more simple explanation: An action between my mind (brain) and some part of the computer electronics.

There was an unexpected information also. During my experiments with narrow frequency segments I discovered (by pure chance) that in a small range between approximately 1000 to 1300 Hz voices (short sentences) turned up. A made some few recordings and then dropped the subject - at least temporally.

Regardless of all technology, all electronics including the computer, the EVP phenomenon never is and never can be reduced to a pure physical problem. In high grade it also is a psychological problem - a unique combination of man and machine. If this viewpoint is not taken in account during all experiments, any further work will remain fruitless. So there still is an overlooked problem.
The man behind the electronic, behind the microphone, the radio or computer. Man in a very special situation and with a very special problem.

Further details on the page "Intermezzo"

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