Some personal comments.

At this point I feel that I have to give a closer explanation of my purpose with this homepage. First I would like to draw your attention to the 1971 investigations in England and to an unappreciated (for reasons which I have already mentioned) and seemingly forgotten documentation of the Voice Phenomenon. And I also would like to ask: What is the real question? Is it, even with its high contents of technical problems, a purely technical problem at all? And what is the role of the (perhaps?) involved biological/psychological system - the experimentator?
We are moving in a greyzone, in a border area of different disciplines of science and for the individual scientist it would obviously be most convenient just to say "that's not my table"..

But I must admit that my motive is also personal and not purely idealistic. I offer no apology for this. I spent several years on those investigations. The costs were both financial and personal, and I was the one who paid both sorts of bills. In addition, I know that I have really got results worthy of preservation. It would be a pity if all that should be simply discarded.

The scientific establishment mostly refuse to deal with my research. Why? It's my conviction that the most important cause of this reluctance is the nature of the phenomenon: The manifestation as human voices. But perhaps it could help if one now called the phenomenon for what it really is: Inteligently controled computer aided voice-like artefacts.
Many of those who call themselves researchers have immutable values of there own. Their concern is rather to disprove the reality of the phenomenon and they are ready to postulate any alternative however absurd explanation (the favorite has p.t. changed from "it's all normal radio signals" to "it's all imagination") - sooner than admit their implication in a successful experiment. Furthermore the mental climate has often been that of extreme skepticism - or even something near hostility. And if a serious interest should exist then it is mostly drowned out by a fear of what "the others" would think or possible say - the fear of being hold up to ridicule.
It simply is a matter of fact that an eventual documentation of the real existence of the claimed Voice Phenomenon would be both undesirable, unpleasant and above all - intruding.

But - I also must admit that I am not totally without understanding of such an attitude. As already previous mentioned the Voice Phenomenon has (sometimes under names as EVP or Transcommunication) during several years been misused and in the hands of charlatans mixed up with ravings such as New Age-religions, flying saucers, contact with other (unknown) planets etc. in a way that had made it unacceptable for any scientific recognition. What can be done in such an doubtful situation? Just ask for an acceptable documentation. If such one is refused - forget it !

Nevertheless - I think that somewhere there still must be some independent, unbiased and open minded institutes, societies, some physicist, electronic or computer professionals interested in a serious research in this field. Experts which could folow up and continue my investigations. And I also always welcome them to give my results a fair test - and that is the main motive for this homepage.

On the other hand.... If I risk a repetition of what 1971 happened in England where the meddling from some technical totally incompetent persons and groups (mainly with parapsychological-spiritualistic background) spoiled any chance for a scientific acceptable further investigation - then I simply must accept that I have wasted my time.
Well, at least I had the fun.... But that is also the reason for the lack of any workable technical details on this homepage.

I know that this statement may reduce my possible contacts with perhaps more then 95%. Never mind - it's the remaining small group - even if it should be less then 5% *) - which I should be very pleased to hear from.

Here at the end of these long (some may say all to long) homepage please let me repeat the ending lines from the introduction at the very beginning: "....I am sure you may find something of interest - or at least something you can disagree with.
If so, then please remember: This homepage expresses a personal view.

*) After more then two years I would say 0,05%


Peter Stein
Borup, Denmark, Autumn 2001
/ Updated June 2004      Mail:


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